![Sheriff's office community volunteers](https://ncso.elykinnovation.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Community-Volunteers-2011-0041.jpg)
The Nassau County Sheriff is committed to creating a citizen Volunteer Program that will make the Sheriff’s office as efficient and productive as possible. The Volunteer Program is designed to help supplement the uniform deputies in performing an array of different, non-confrontational tasks. Volunteer services will free up the certified deputies for more serious calls that require the expertise law enforcement.
Sheriff Leeper recognizes the importance of developing a diverse set of volunteer programs. He values the people that provide their time in helping make their families, homes and neighborhoods safer and stronger for the whole community. The NCSO does its part to keep our community safe, with the added support of a volunteer program the efficiency level of the agency rises.
Volunteer Expectations
The Sheriff’s Office requires all members of the Citizens Volunteer Program to subscribe to its ethical standards of conduct and to act in a reasonable, considerate and professional manner not only to the community but also towards fellow sheriff’s office members alike.
Q. Who are Volunteers?
A. Nassau County Citizens who have successfully completed the application, background check, reference check, interview, drug test, and training.
Q. Do I need to be a full time Nassau County resident?
A. We welcome full time and seasonal residents of Nassau County who are United States citizens to participate in our program.
Q. Do I need prior experience in law enforcement?
A. No.
Q. Will I be trained?![Community Volunteer Program Community Volunteer Program](https://ncso.elykinnovation.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/volunteer-1-300x221.jpg)
A. Yes. New volunteers will receive a minimum of eight (16) hours of classroom training as well as field training.
To issue a summons volunteers will be required to attend and successfully complete the following:
FDLE’s Traffic Control Officer for Civilians ( 8hours).
FDLE’s Parking Enforcement Specialist for Civilians (16 hours).
Q. Will I assist in arrest?
A. No, Citizen Volunteers will not be placed in harm’s way.
Q. Will I have to testify in court?
A. Parking Enforcement volunteers will be certified to issue parking citations and, as a result, you may be called upon to testify in court.
Q. Where do I fit in the organization?
A. You are a critical part of the Nassau County Sheriff’s Office. Your willingness to volunteer enables the Sheriff’s Deputies to spend more time fighting crime and making Nassau County a better and safer place to live.
All Volunteers are of equal rank. No hierarchy exists between the Citizens Volunteers.
The Community Volunteer Coordinator or his designee shall preside over the Volunteers and be responsible for administration of the volunteers business as well as meetings.
Q. What is the Code of Conduct for Volunteers?
A. Whenever people gather together to achieve goals, some rules are essential to help everyone work efficiently, and in harmony. As Volunteers we hold ourselves to a high standard of quality.
By volunteering with the NCSO, you accept a responsibility to the program and to your fellow volunteers and the Nassau County Sheriff’s Office to adhere to certain specific rules of behavior and conduct.
The purpose of these rules are not to restrict your rights, but rather to be certain that you understand what conduct is expected and necessary.
Volunteers will behave in a professional manner at all times. Volunteers are to exercise common sense and good judgment while participating in the program. Volunteers should avoid any and all physical confrontations.
No Volunteer shall consume alcoholic beverages for a period of less than eight hours prior to reporting for duty. At no time shall a Volunteer drink an alcoholic beverage while on duty or in uniform. Prescribed medications that cause drowsiness or in any way hamper the member’s safe performance of duty will not be used while in a duty status.
Volunteers shall not use or divulge any information or records without approval from the Sheriff.
As a Volunteer you have NO LAW ENFFORCEMENT AUTHORITY. You should NEVER use your position to influence or gain anything. There will be no tolerance for a violation of this rule. Do Not Confront, or attempt to apprehend, pursue, block or otherwise interfere with any criminal suspects.
Obey all traffic and parking laws: you are responsible for your own safety and that of other motorists, and your actions will affect the reputation of both the Citizen Volunteer Program and the Sheriff’s Office.
Interact with the public as much as possible; rapport-building interaction with the public is encouraged.
NO WEAPONS ARE AUTHORIZED for use by any member of the Citizens Volunteer Program. If you carry a defensive weapon, please leave it in your personal car. This applies whether you have a concealed weapons permit or not.
Volunteers must maintain proper relations with the public while performing their duties.
Volunteers may not make statements to the press regarding the Citizens Volunteer activities without prior approval from the Sheriff. All inquires from the press will be referred to a law enforcement officer at the scene.
Q. Is it okay to bring a friend or family member with me to work?
A. NO! The Sheriff’s Office is not a typical work place. They can apply for a Ride Along with a Deputy.
Q. What about my Identification (ID) card?
A. All volunteers are required to wear a Nassau County Sheriff’s Office Citizens Volunteer badge. Volunteers are not allowed to work if they are not displaying a valid I. D. badge.
This badge is to be worn in a visible manner at all times while performing as a Volunteer or any time you are at the Sheriff’s Office facilities.
The I. D. badge must NOT be worn when off duty.
All I. D. badges are the property of the Nassau County Sheriffs Office and must be returned upon separation or at the request of the Community Volunteer Coordinator.
Q. What should I do if I have a problem?
A. If the problem is not an emergency you should contact The Volunteer Coordinator at 904-548-4027.
For Emergencies, call 911.
Q. Are there rules about smoking?
A. Yes, you may not smoke within any Sheriff Office facility; this includes Sheriff’s vehicles.
Q. Is there a dress code?
A. Yes. This is a professional program and you are expected to look and act like a professional. Your personal appearance makes a strong first impression. Appropriate attire will enhance your credibility and strengthen the image of our Volunteer Program.
You will be supplied with the following items:
2-White Logo Polo Shirts, 1 Logo baseball style cap, 1- Logo Jacket, 1- Safety Vest, 1- Rain Coat.
The Volunteer will need to supply his or her own black belt and black shoes (no open sandals or flip flops). Kaki colored pants.
NO jeans, short, tank tops or clothing that needs repair or cleaning.
If the Volunteer Coordinator feels that your attire is out of place, you may be asked to leave your assignment until you are properly attired.
Q. What about Gratuities?
A. Never attempt to buy anything unless you are prepared to pay full price. Always make an offer to pay for items being purchased. Never inquire about receiving a gratuity.
Q. Will I assist Motorist?
A. Yes, You will assist motorist that are broken down or in need of directions. You will also assist on any traffic crash you may see. You will not be allowed to any vehicle or escort any vehicle to the hospital. You can call dispatch for deputy assistance.
Q. Are there issues regarding my personal safety?
A. Volunteer positions and work are in their very nature designed to be non-confrontational. Your safety is very important to us and we do not want you to be uncomfortable with any aspect of your job. It is the primary responsibility of every volunteer to be aware and mitigate any danger that they perceive.
Q. Do I need to report to anyone if I get arrested?
A. Yes. Any volunteer who is arrested for any crime shall notify the Community Volunteer Coordinator with detail of the arrest. This shall be done no later than 1 day after the incident.
Q. What if I get hurt on the job?
A. If you get hurt while volunteering in the performance of your duties, you will be entitled to medical coverage under Workers Compensation. However if you have a regular job somewhere else and loses work because of the injury while volunteering, you are not covered for the loss of wages from your regular job.
Q. What if I am in an accident?
A. Check for injuries both to yourself and others involved. Contact 911 immediately, this must be done no matter how minor the accident is. Advise your exact location. You should also contact the Supervisor on duty as well as the Volunteer coordinator.
Q. If I have an emergency, whom will you call?
A. You will be provided an Emergency Contact sheet during your training. We will contact whomever you would like us to.
Q. Should I notify anyone if I move or have a change in my personal information?
A. Yes. Notify the Volunteer Coordinator and Human Resources if your address, phone numbers, or emergency contact information changes. We need to be able to reach you or a member of your family.
Q. Can I drive my own car while working?
A. No. If you duties require you to drive, we will supply you with a car for those duties. If you are working an event, festival or other function that does not require a car, then Yes.
Q. What are the rules for driving the Sheriff’s Volunteer car?
A. Be courteous to other drivers and pedestrians, you are ambassadors of the Sheriff. Obey all traffic laws including speed limits, park in legal parking spaces. Remember: you are being watched by other drivers. They expect you to do the right thing.
Only Sheriff’s Office vehicles will be used for patrolling.
Q. Who is allowed to ride in the patrol vehicle?
A. Persons not in the volunteer program or the Sheriff’s office are not allowed to ride with you. Only Volunteers that are scheduled to ride are allowed.
Exception to the above rule. If you are directed by a Deputy to transport someone (get the persons name and the Deputies name and I. D. and note it on your report and explain the circumstances).
Q. Can I go on a ride-a-long?
A. A ride-a- long is part of the in-field training and you will be required to make a ride before completing your training. You must dress and act professionally. It is important to follow whatever directions the deputy gives you.
Q. Do we have meetings that we must to attend?
A. Yes. You are required to attend meetings that are scheduled by need. valuable information and additional training will be given at these meetings. If you are unable to attend, you must contact the Volunteer Coordinator.
Q. Is it important for me to keep a record of my time?
A. YES. We need to know how much time you are volunteering and what tasks you performed for administrative purposes. Reporting the above also lets us recognize your generous contribution. We will train you on how to keep your time. Time spent at monthly meetings and training will be recorded on a monthly activity sheet and are not viewed as part of the 16 minimum monthly hours.
Q. Can I attend the Citizens Law Enforcement Academy?
A. Yes. We encourage you to attend if you are interested in learning more about the Nassau County Sheriff’s Office. You should apply with the Community Volunteer Coordinator.
Q. What do I do if I see something inappropriate?
A. If you are uncomfortable asking someone within your assigned area, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator. However, you may always utilize the Internal Affairs Officer.
Q. Will my service have a positive impact on the Community?
A. Yes, as a Volunteer you will have the opportunity to give back to the community through the hours you volunteer. As an involved member of our program you will gain valuable insight into the workings of your Sheriff’s Office and assist us by improving the relationship we have with the community.
Q. What is The Nassau County Sheriff’s Office commitment to me?
A. your well-being and good spirits are important to us!
You should NEVER volunteer to be miserable or unhappy.
- Do everything possible to make your transition smooth.
- Ensure that the qualities of volunteers working with you are held to the highest standard.
- Listen to you.
- Work together to put you in a worthwhile and challenging position that you enjoy.
Q What is the Disciplinary Procedures & Separation from Service
A. Any member of the Volunteer Program may be disciplined ranging from suspension through dismissal depending upon the gravity of the offense for any one of the following reasons:
Any violation of this Volunteer Manual
a. Any violation of any codified law related to law enforcement or the enforcement of those laws.
b. Misconduct including sexual harassment, or that which is harmful to the good order of the Volunteer Program.
At the discretion of the Volunteer Coordinator or designee, a through investigation will be conducted by the Sheriff’s Office regarding an alleged violation. The sole authority for dismissal from the program is the Sheriff. Members of the program are volunteers who serve at the will of the Sheriff. Members can be dismissed with or without cause.
Q. Complaints by the Public
Complaints about a Volunteer will be thoroughly and accurately investigated. Any member of the public may file a compliant. A volunteer who receives a complaint from the public must advise the Volunteer Coordinator who will then process the formal complaint.
Q. Off Duty Encounters with Law Enforcement Officers
When a volunteer encounters a law enforcement officer who appears to be off duty or in civilian attire, they should not make contact with the officer until the officer acknowledges them. This is in order not to compromise the identity of the officer if they are working in an undercover capacity.