An Accredited Florida Law Enforcement Agency


The Nassau County Sheriff’s Office Chaplains are trained volunteers that respond when situations warrant or upon request.

They are available 24 hours a day 365 days a year to provide spiritual guidance (without regard to religious beliefs of the recipient’s religious beliefs, faith, practices or preferences).

A sheriff's hat with a white rose

Chaplains are on call to assist deputies in accompanying and delivering death notices to family members, they also respond to every call where there is a death to assist the Deputies at the scene.

NCSO Chaplain statue

The NCSO chaplains host a Monday morning bible study at 7:30 for those who would like to attend.

They also send out a written devotion every Monday morning for those who would like to receive one by email.

The NCSO has 12 Chaplains.

For more information on the Chaplain Program contact: [email protected] or 904-548-4008

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