An Accredited Florida Law Enforcement Agency

NCSO to create Citizen Advisory Teams

Yulee, Fla. – The Nassau County Sheriff’s Office (NCSO) realizes that citizen involvement in crime prevention is essential.  Sheriff Bill Leeper is forming a Citizen Advisory Team (CAT) in the five major geographical areas of the county, to advise the Sheriff’s Office on community concerns with crime.  NCSO will also provide the citizens of the community with up to date information on any crime trends or schemes that might affect the community as a whole, and any special events that would benefit from community involvement.

The five geographical areas that will have a Sheriff’s CAT are: Hilliard, Callahan, Bryceville, Yulee, and Amelia Island.

Each team will have an elected chair-person to manage the program.  The patrol commander and supervisors in those areas will work actively with the teams, but will not chair the meetings.  The teams will meet once a month to discuss issues pertaining to their area of the county and to plan solutions with the Sheriff’s Office staff.  Topics of concern may include, but are not limited to, drug problems, traffic problems, home security, and community education.

Sheriff Bill Leeper and the Nassau County Sheriff’s Office employees are dedicated to continuing to make Nassau County a safe desirable place to live, work and raise a family.  “This is an important step in preserving public trust in law enforcement.  The goal of CAT is to work with the Sheriff’s Office to reduce crime and the fear of crime and to improve the quality of life within the communities we serve” said Leeper.

If you are interested in joining the CAT in Bryceville, Callahan or Hilliard, please contact Mitch Kinsey at [email protected] or call 904 548 4056.  If you are interested in joining the CAT in Yulee or Amelia Island, please contact Larry Boatwright at [email protected] or call 904-548-4027.