An Accredited Florida Law Enforcement Agency

Contact Us

If you have an emergency, dial 9-1-1.

Toll-free 855-725-2632

For non-emergency information and assistance call:

904-225-5174; 904-548-4009; toll-free 855-725-2630

For any public records requests or information:

[email protected]


Nassau County Sheriff’s Office

77151 Citizens Circle
Yulee, Florida 32097

Nassau County Jail & Detention Center

76212 Nicholas Cutinha Road
Yulee, Fl 32097
Reception: 904-548-4002
Booking: 904-548-4006
Medical: 904-548-4043

Unit Phone

Accounting: 904-548-4039
Accreditation: 904-548-4018
Administration: 904-548-4069
Administration Line Westside Toll Free: 1-855-725-2630
Agricultural/Marine Unit: 904-548-4028
Bailiffs-Historic Courthouse: 904-491-7350
Bailiffs-Courthouse Annex: 904-548-4600
Booking: 904-548-4006
Budget Office: 904-548-4039
Communications/Dispatch: 904-548-4022
Communications/Dispatch Westside Toll Free: 1-855-725-2632
Detention Center/Jail Westside Toll Free: 1-855-725-2631

Evidence: 904-548-4045
False Alarms: 904-225-5174
Fleet Maintenance: 904-583-4783
Human Resources: 904-548-4097 / 904-548-4012
Jail: 904-548-4002
Jail Medical: 904-548-4043
Non-Emergency: 904-225-5174
Purchasing: 904-548-4048
Records: 904-548-4009 / 904-548-4050
Victim Services: 904-548-4099
Youth Programs: 904-548-4028

The Nassau County Sheriff’s Office reserves the right to remove comments that are offensive or profane in nature.  We further reserve the right to temporarily ban access to our Facebook and Website for repeated postings that contain offensive or profane remarks and to permanently ban access if such comments continue when access is reinstated.